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thePeople has connected.
thePeople: eureka
thePeople: what map
DM: none yet
thePeople: ah
DM: anything before we begin?
thePeople: i think im all ready, i leveled up my guy and prepared spells and stuff s i think im good, oh yeah, what ever happened with my necklace, did i bring it to heaven
thePeople: or was i just taken there right when i finished the task
DM: you have kept it
DM: and it is with you in heaven
thePeople: cool
thePeople: did i find my brother here
DM: not yet...
DM: but you will...
thePeople: cool, i think im ready then
DM: It doesn't take long for bliss to take away all of the concerns of your past life. You don't know how long you have been here: days, weeks, centuries? But it matters not, because time doesn't matter here.
DM: You discover Bliss is a land of un-earthly pleasure, every little thing you do here fills you with a magical joy, as if you are finally one with God. It enraptures you, to the degree that you don't even bother trying to find your loved ones, you just... enjoy being...
DM: Suddenly, there is a flash, and your world changes.
DM: You are in a dark cave, glowing dimmly with light that seems to eminate from the floor and celing. The cave has some moss on the ground, but is otherwise empty of plants or buildings.
DM: Around you are hundreds of people, most of them with their clothing in a heavy state of wear, wandering around aimlessly. You have no idea how you got here.
thePeople: anything else?
DM: no, you do see the new map now right?
thePeople: im there
DM: cool. What do you do?
Hunter: Where, where am I, who are these people, what has happened here. Whats going on? I... I remember being in Biss, but then, how, where is this?
Hunter: Excuse, but, can you please tell me where iI am, i, I don't know how i got here
Blessed Soul 3: What lovely songs the birds sing...
Hunter: What in hell's name are you, i mean, what are you talking about, there are no birds here
Tourtured Soul 4: Ahh! Stop the bells!
Tourtured Soul 4: They burn my ears!
Hunter: What bells, what are you talking about, are all you people mad!
Blessed Soul 4: Please, play another. You are gifted with the lute, my lady!
Tourtured Soul 4: The bells!
DM: that one runs off
Hunter: What, whats happened here
thePeople: I then start searching the area
DM: make a wisdom check
* thePeople rolls: d20+1 => 1 + 1 = 2
thePeople: crap
DM: you find nothing
thePeople: I continue searching
Hunter: please will anyone tell me where i am
DM: you brush one crouching man, and he cringes in pain
Hunter: Please, is anyone here SANE!
DM: make a wisdom check
* thePeople rolls: d20+1 => 4 + 1 = 5
DM: make a listen check
* thePeople rolls: d20+8 => 20 + 8 = 28
Hunter: i pass
DM: you hear a familiar voice in the distance... your brother
Hunter: Brother, is that you Brother, where are you, how did you get here? is,is this agony, this place filled with wretched souls
DM: you see Earth looker rolling on the ground. A worm is crawling across him, and it is driving him to tears.
Earth Looker: Why did I lie to them?
Earth Looker: I have betrayed God!
Hunter: Brother, what are you talking about, get up, get up earth -looker. Please, please say this isn't agony.
Hunter: Its just a worm brother, get up
DM: A lady walks by, sees the worm, and eats it with delight. Earth Looker clutches the place where her fingers touched her as if he were stabbed.
DM: touched him*
Hunter: What did you just eat, what, it's as if these people are all unaware of whts going, on, some seem to be perpetually happy no matter what happens, while others seem to live in thier own private imaginary hell. Who did this, what bastard made toys of all these poor people.
Hunter: Was, was i one of them, but, but i was in bliss, how is this possible, how could i have been moed here
DM: make a wisom check, with a +4
* thePeople rolls: d20+5 => 3 + 5 = 8
Hunter: god im getting bad luck
DM: still nothing
Hunter: I try to lift my brother up
Earth Looker: Oww!!
Earth Looker: Why did I try to best my brother? Now I am condemmed to be crushed by these stones for all time!
DM: you lift him up
Hunter: Brother, don't worry, don't worry, Im here, I forgive, you. Please, please, wake up, wake up from whatever nightmare you are trapped in
Blessed Soul 29: I didn't know you did poetry. You are a man of many charms...
Hunter: Go away, go away, I was supposed to be in Bliss, standing by god's side, why, why am I here. Please, please say it's not as I am beginning to fear... please
DM: make another wisom check, with +6
* thePeople rolls: d20+7 => 3 + 7 = 10
Hunter: reall, another one that low
DM: You remember these screaming people. They were always... around in bliss, but you never bothered to pay them any mind. You were just having too much fun...
DM: suddenly, a figure approaches
Angel 1: How did you get in here?
Hunter: Who are you, what is going on here. I just, I just suddenly got here, was I here all this time, I must have woken up from that nighmaris dream of beauty. Please, tell me how to get out of here
Angel 1: You intrude upon bliss and agony, stranger!
DM: roll init
* thePeople rolls: d20+4 => 8 + 4 = 12
* DM rolls: 1d20+1 => 11 + 1 = 12
DM: reroll, no modifiers
* DM rolls: 1d20 => 11
* thePeople rolls: d20 => 9
DM: three figures charge you with their tridents
* DM rolls: 1d20+6 => 19 + 6 = 25
* DM rolls: 1d20+6 => 1 + 6 = 7
* DM rolls: 1d20+4 => 2 + 4 = 6
DM: i assume one hit?
Hunter: yep
* DM rolls: 1d8+3 => 7 + 3 = 10
DM: 10 damage
Blessed Soul 29: A play?
Blessed Soul 27: I love theature!
Hunter: get away from here you fool
DM: your move
thePeople: I slash at angel 1, with aggresion on him
* thePeople rolls: d20+9 => 7 + 9 = 16
DM: Earth Looker drops to the ground
DM: that hits
* thePeople rolls: 2d6+4 => 7 + 4 = 11
DM: they all return their attacks
* DM rolls: 1d20+6 => 8 + 6 = 14
* DM rolls: 1d20+6 => 10 + 6 = 16
* DM rolls: 1d20+4 => 18 + 4 = 22
thePeople: 1 hit
DM: roll 1d8+3
* DM rolls: 1d8+3 => 5 + 3 = 8
DM: more damage
thePeople: I activate my blood
* thePeople rolls: 2d6 => 3
DM: blood isn't somthing you activate, you jst damage yourself
DM: or another writhor
thePeople: cOh, i thought i could also use it when someone else damages me
DM: true
DM: actually, you have to or you waste the ability
thePeople: yeah, thats what I did then
DM: kk
DM: your turn
thePeople: I then attack the same angel again
* thePeople rolls: d20+9 => 16 + 9 = 25
DM: hit
* thePeople rolls: 2d6+4 => 9 + 4 = 13
DM: it rips in two
DM: the other two take 5ft steps and attack
* DM rolls: 1d20+6 => 1 + 6 = 7
* DM rolls: 1d20+6 => 8 + 6 = 14
thePeople: misses
thePeople: i attack angel 2
* thePeople rolls: d20+9 => 15 + 9 = 24
* thePeople rolls: 2d6+4 => 8 + 4 = 12
* DM rolls: 1d20+6 => 12 + 6 = 18
* DM rolls: 1d20+6 => 14 + 6 = 20
* DM rolls: 1d8+3 => 2 + 3 = 5
* DM rolls: 1d8+3 => 7 + 3 = 10
DM: 15 damage to you
thePeople: desperately swinging in fear of losing my life in this place, i attack angel 2 again
* thePeople rolls: d20+9 => 5 + 9 = 14
* thePeople rolls: 2d6+4 => 5 + 4 = 9
DM: he goes down
DM: word of advise, you will need to be clever to win this...
* DM rolls: 1d20+4 => 20 + 4 = 24
* DM rolls: 1d20+4 => 18 + 4 = 22
DM: of course...
thePeople: yeah
* DM rolls: 3d8+9 => 12 + 9 = 21
thePeople: well, im gone
DM: suddenly, you wake up, same place where you were, but you are at full health.
DM: you notice the symbols on your necklace have changed
thePeople: DId, did this necklace save me, thank god, thank god. Surely someone who let me keep such a wonderous device wouldn't stick me in this place, something odd mus have happened. But before I can ponder this, there is someone i must take care of
Hunter: You, tell me now, how did i get here
Angel 3: You... how did you?
Hunter: or else you shall not live another day, for i am a champion of the almighty god and i will defeat you
DM: roll init
* thePeople rolls: d20+4 => 3 + 4 = 7

   Unknown option name "note".
      Statement options (if any): note
      Statement Body : there is no way I am deusing you again, so be more careful next time...
DM: note: there is no way I am deusing you again, so be more careful next time...
* DM rolls: d20+1 => 14 + 1 = 15
* DM rolls: 1d20+6 => 20 + 6 = 26
* DM rolls: 1d20+6 => 19 + 6 = 25
Hunter: of course
DM: lol
* DM rolls: 3d8+9 => 10 + 9 = 19
DM: another trident to the face
thePeople is disconnected.
thePeople has connected.
thePeople: How long does the writhor health last
DM: 24 hours
thePeople: ah
DM: but I assume you lost it the last time you got critted
thePeople: yeah, but sadly my character is planning in his desperation to gently poke some out of those around him
DM: you could do that
DM: if by gentle poke, you mean stab with weapon
thePeople: yeah, but couldn't he do it in a way to minimize the damage
DM: yeah
thePeople: or poke them with an arrow
DM: as they are all helpless
DM: and you have quickdraw
thePeople: yeah
thePeople: I attempt to tumble away fromt he guy im next to
* thePeople rolls: d20 +6 => 15 + 6 = 21
thePeople: what do i need again
DM: that's more than enough
DM: up to one half your movement, bub
Hunter: I am sorry
thePeople: i then lightly stab her with my arrow, then use it to shoot at the guy
thePeople: oops, guess i can only do one of those
Blessed Soul 29: Do that again!
DM: yup
DM: attacking even a helpless person is standard
DM: and you already moved, but have your health
* thePeople rolls: 2d6 => 7
* DM rolls: 1d20+6 => 11 + 6 = 17
* DM rolls: d18+3 => 9 + 3 = 12
* DM rolls: 1d8+3 => 4 + 3 = 7
DM: use the 7
thePeople: ok
DM: another angel shows up
DM: your move
Hunter: Crap
Hunter: I attack the angel next to me, trying to finish him off quickly
* thePeople rolls: d20+9 => 6 + 9 = 15
* thePeople rolls: 2d6+4 => 12 + 4 = 16
DM: hurt, but not dead
thePeople: i then attempt to tumble away
* thePeople rolls: d20+6 => 12 + 6 = 18
DM: you need 15
thePeople: thier turn i guess
DM: you still have a standard action
thePeople: I wish, i attacked that guy, remember
DM: right
* DM rolls: 1d20+4 => 8 + 4 = 12
* DM rolls: 1d20+6 => 14 + 6 = 20
* DM rolls: 1d8+3 => 4 + 3 = 7
DM: another 7 damage
thePeople: half health again
thePeople: I then attack the angel with adamage
* thePeople rolls: d20+9 => 15 + 9 = 24
* thePeople rolls: 2d6+4 => 5 + 4 = 9
DM: it drops
thePeople: I don't want to tumble again because than i risk a aoo
DM: you could 5ft step, but that wouldn't help you much
DM: if you are trying to get to another HP source, you have to risk it at some point
DM: better now before your HP is low
DM: and I ain't ressin you again
thePeople: yeah
DM: my turn?
thePeople: yeah, i dropped that guy, remember
* DM rolls: 1d20+4 => 11 + 4 = 15
DM: your move
thePeople: I then attack him
* thePeople rolls: d20+9 => 20 + 9 = 29
* thePeople rolls: d20+9 => 4 + 9 = 13
* thePeople rolls: 4d6+8 => 18 + 8 = 26
DM: you cleave his head clean off
DM: his body falls
Hunter: SOrry for what i am about to do
thePeople: is it my turn again now
DM: yes
thePeople: i prod 1
* thePeople rolls: 2d6 => 9
thePeople: then prod another, assuming that nothing new happens
* thePeople rolls: 2d6 => 6
Tourtured Soul 26: Argh
Blessed Soul 20: ahh
thePeople: how much temp hp can i have
DM: up untill temp+normal health equals double max health
DM: above that, you instantly die
DM: it's a game of blackjack
thePeople: i thought it was a fortitude save or die
thePeople: ok
thePeople: i go back to my brother and pick him up
Hunter: dont worry brother, we'll get out of here, I promise you, we will
Earth Looker: Oww, why?
DM: you see an angel in the distance
DM: you have two rounds
Hunter: dammit
thePeople: I then shoot him twice with rapid shot
* thePeople rolls: d20+7 => 15 + 7 = 22
DM: -2 for range
DM: still hits
* thePeople rolls: d20+5 => 7 + 5 = 12
* thePeople rolls: 2d8 => 12
DM: it isn't down
thePeople: then i rinse and repeat, is it closer now so there isn't a pnalty
* thePeople rolls: d20+5 => 16 + 5 = 21
* thePeople rolls: d20+5 => 18 + 5 = 23
thePeople: doesn't matter
* thePeople rolls: 2d8 => 13
DM: dead
thePeople: i then repick up my brother and walk to this person and prod her and get more temp health
DM: she is taking a nap, and mutters somthing
thePeople: the blessed soul, i figure the tortured ones are already suffering and the blessed ones don't notice
* thePeople rolls: 2d6 => 12
DM: two more angels are running over
thePeople: what is there charge speed and run speed
thePeople: i guess i wouldn['t know
DM: your turn
thePeople: double shot on # 6
* thePeople rolls: d20+7 => 5 + 7 = 12
* thePeople rolls: d20+7 => 6 + 7 = 13
* thePeople rolls: 2d8 => 7
thePeople: thier turn
DM: they run to you. your turn
thePeople: I slash at #6
* thePeople rolls: d20+9 => 19 + 9 = 28
thePeople: crit
* thePeople rolls: d20+9 => 2 + 9 = 11
thePeople: not comfirmed
* thePeople rolls: 2d6+4 => 8 + 4 = 12
DM: badly hurt, but still up
thePeople: 5 ft step back
thePeople: actually, no id ont
thePeople: what does the purple mean
DM: blood has been used today
thePeople: thanks
DM: they attack then
* DM rolls: 1d20+4 => 13 + 4 = 17
* DM rolls: 1d20+4 => 16 + 4 = 20
* DM rolls: 2d8+6 => 14 + 6 = 20
DM: your turn
thePeople: I slash at # 6
* thePeople rolls: d20+9 => 11 + 9 = 20
* thePeople rolls: 2d6+4 => 4 + 4 = 8
DM: there was a smarter attack move, you know
thePeople: what?
DM: step back and rapid shot. You only needed a little damage to finish 6, and you might have got 7 too
thePeople: yeah, but the problem is that i would then double the chance of not killing 6, though, now that i think back on it, it would still probably have been worth it
* DM rolls: 1d20+4 => 9 + 4 = 13
DM: your turn again
* thePeople rolls: d20+9 => 9 + 9 = 18
* thePeople rolls: 2d6+4 => 3 + 4 = 7
* DM rolls: 1d20+4 => 12 + 4 = 16
thePeople: miss
* thePeople rolls: d20+9 => 2 + 9 = 11
* DM rolls: 1d20+4 => 7 + 4 = 11
* thePeople rolls: d20+9 => 11 + 9 = 20
* thePeople rolls: 2d6+4 => 5 + 4 = 9
* DM rolls: 1d20+4 => 7 + 4 = 11
* thePeople rolls: d20+9 => 16 + 9 = 25
* thePeople rolls: 2d6+4 => 10 + 4 = 14
thePeople: i then move 10 ft up
thePeople: is it my tune again now
DM: yes
thePeople: i prod one, then if its my tun again, i prod the other, apoligizing as i do so, wishing that it was not neccesary
* thePeople rolls: 2d6 => 4
* thePeople rolls: 2d6 => 5
DM: the coast seems cleear; the moans of the agonised seem to conceal this battle from the other angels
thePeople: I move back to my brother and then go back to the wall to try and fin an exit, trying to move silently as i drag him along, figuring that the angel wont hear his normal cries of anguish
thePeople: as i go i prod the people i pass
Hunter: whispering( thank god, an exit)
DM: you leave, I assume?
thePeople: yeah, though i prod the blessed one im next to first
* thePeople rolls: 2d6 => 7
* thePeople rolls: 2d6 => 8
* thePeople rolls: 2d6 => 8
thePeople: not all the ones im next 2, just the 3 im closest to
DM: before you can leave, a beast appears...
thePeople: well that aint good
DM: roll init
* thePeople rolls: d20+4 => 6 + 4 = 10
* DM rolls: 1d20+2 => 12 + 2 = 14
DM: it charges
* DM rolls: 1d20+10 => 11 + 10 = 21
* DM rolls: 2d4+5 => 3 + 5 = 8
DM: your turn, you have claw marks across your face
thePeople: does channeling provoke
DM: yes
thePeople: wait, i'll be right back
DM: remember, withdraw actions are a thing
thePeople: How do those work again
DM: make a double move, but the first square doesn't count for AoO
thePeople: but wouldn't that still provoke since its lage and has 2 square reach
DM: unless it's reach happens to only be 5
DM: but does it?
thePeople: also, if i move back, it can jus charge again, and i wouldn't be able to do anything about it, it would probably be worse than nothing since charging gives it a plus 2
DM: you could tumble around that corner, as charges must be straight
thePeople: oh yeah, brb friend calling
DM: If possible, please multi-task. I would like for you to get out of heaven tonight.
DM: never thought I would say that...
thePeople: back, sorry
thePeople: ok, that is an interesting idea
DM: don't be sorry, it's your friend
* thePeople rolls: d20+6 => 6 + 6 = 12
thePeople: crap
* DM rolls: 1d20+10 => 9 + 10 = 19
* DM rolls: 2d4+5 => 6 + 5 = 11
thePeople: I then channel war
* thePeople rolls: d6 => 6
thePeople: sweey
DM: it picks up Earth looker, and flings him back into the cave
Earth Looker: The agony!!!
DM: your turn
thePeople: sorry, for a while it wasn't typing anything, i use a war cantrip as a free action to get a +2 on my next attack and charge it
thePeople: wait i cant, there a wall, nvm
DM: irony
thePeople: . instead i take a 5ft step, shoot my bow at it, then move back behind the corner
* thePeople rolls: d20+9 => 3 + 9 = 12
DM: can't make 5ft step if you move in the round from another source
thePeople: nvm, i always forget that
thePeople: I guess i just channel some divination then and move farther back
* thePeople rolls: 1d6 => 2
Beast: None are permitted to leave Bliss or Agony!
DM: your turn
thePeople: I then shoot at it with a war cantrip
* thePeople rolls: d20+11 => 11 + 11 = 22
DM: nice
DM: hit
* thePeople rolls: d8 => 5
DM: it moves twards you
DM: your turn
thePeople: did the arrow seem to hurt it all, or did it seem resistant to the damage, could i tell
DM: it is bleeding, but it will take much more to defeat a beast this size
thePeople: ok
thePeople: i swing again with the war cantrip
* thePeople rolls: d20+11 => 12 + 11 = 23
* thePeople rolls: 2d6+4 => 9 + 4 = 13
DM: that wound causes it's leg to limp, but the beast doesn't go down
* DM rolls: 1d20+10 => 17 + 10 = 27
* DM rolls: 2d4+5 => 8 + 5 = 13
thePeople: i swing again at another at another of its legs, hoping the limp will grow
thePeople: with a war cantrip
* thePeople rolls: d20+11 => 17 + 11 = 28
* thePeople rolls: 2d6+4 => 6 + 4 = 10
DM: it does, but it's will does not fade
* DM rolls: 1d20+10 => 8 + 10 = 18
* DM rolls: 2d4+5 => 4 + 5 = 9
thePeople: I swing at it, then attempt to tumble backwards
* thePeople rolls: d20+11 => 10 + 11 = 21
* thePeople rolls: 2d6+4 => 4 + 4 = 8
* thePeople rolls: d20+6 => 8 + 6 = 14
DM: why did you even do that?
thePeople: I dont know
DM: it can just walk back up to you
* DM rolls: 1d20+10 => 4 + 10 = 14
thePeople: yeah, i realize that now
thePeople: wait, what happens
DM: it goe AoO
thePeople: well it missed, good thing, but yeah, that was stupid
DM: now it gets a charge, dufus
thePeople: i know
* DM rolls: 1d20+12 => 11 + 12 = 23
* DM rolls: 2d4+10 => 7 + 10 = 17
thePeople: one more hit
DM: don't even feel bad for doing that one to you
DM: your turn
DM: act smart
thePeople: i use my withdraw action to try to get away, since its limping hopefully it can't catch up
DM: correct!
thePeople: now what does it do
DM: it goes back to puppy guard the exit
Hunter: My god, why does a beast like that have to guard this place, i'm afraid i have to cause more damage to this places inhabitants, thoguht i doubt it makes much difference to them
* thePeople rolls: 2d6 => 10
DM: it does nothing but guard
* thePeople rolls: 2d6 => 8
* thePeople rolls: 2d6 => 9
DM: you have not jabbed 12 people
thePeople: are you saying i should do more
* thePeople rolls: 2d6 => 9
* thePeople rolls: 2d6 => 7
* thePeople rolls: 2d6 => 9
DM: 15 people stabbed
DM: you are now dripping with Writhor blood
DM: and near your max
Hunter: I am sorry my bretheren, but this is a neccesary evil
* thePeople rolls: 2d6 => 8
* thePeople rolls: 2d6 => 7
DM: ok, what is your max HP?
thePeople: 40
DM: so you can go up to 78 temporary
thePeople: i could theoretically get 11 more, though i dont plan to
DM: just shoot this thing
thePeople: that was what i was about to do
* thePeople rolls: d20+ 11 => 19 + 11 = 30
thePeople: that was a rapid shot so it was meant t be + 9 sorr, anyway, i'll see if it crits now
* thePeople rolls: d20+9 => 9 + 9 = 18
thePeople: does that?
DM: yes
thePeople: then my other one
* thePeople rolls: d20+9 => 3 + 9 = 12
thePeople: thats a no
DM: yes
* thePeople rolls: 2d8 => 10
DM: 3d8
thePeople: oh yeah, 3x
* thePeople rolls: d8 => 3
thePeople: 13 damage
DM: look, you kill it
DM: you have way to much HP at this point
DM: and you escape
thePeople: yeah, i know, i didn't notice how much health it still had, i thought it would have like 50 or 60 more, sorry for the wait
DM: naw
DM: but I have to go now, so this will have to be session